Integrated Transmission and Distribution Planning
About this Technology
Integrated transmission and distrubtion planning, sometimes called integrated distribution planning or just integrated planning, refers to new comprehensive approaches to traditional electric grid planning processes. The processes for bulk resource, distributed energy resources, distribution, and transmission planning have historically been conducted independently of each other. Integrated transmission and distribution planning calls for new models of planning that connects these processes.
Use in the modern grid
As a variety of changes impact the grid, including but not limited to increased distributed energy resources, intensifying extreme weather, and greater demand due to electrification, connecting planning processes can better align and stream.
Physical Location
Integrated transmission and distribution planning is not a physical entity but should become a regular part of the planning process conducted by both state officials and utilities.
Case Study
NASEO and NARUC worked with members across 15 state teams to develop innovative visions for how electricity system planning can be improved. For details on the five roadmaps they developed, see the overview factsheet here.
How mature is the technology?
Widely discussed, early-stage implementation | The concept is widely discussed among regulators and industry stakeholders, but integrated planning processes are nascent and piecemeal existing planning technologies.
More Information
Explore these resources to learn more about ITDP.