Advanced Metering Infrastructure
What is it?
Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) refers to a measurement and data collection system that includes a ‘smart’ meter at the customer site, the communication network transmitting and receiving data to and from the electric service provider, and the management system used by the electric service provider to operate the grid and/or send signals to the customer meter. Fundamentally AMI provides a mechanism for two-way electricity flow and communication on the distribution system.
Where is it located?
The foundational component of AMI is the meter. Smart meters are installed at the customer site or where there is an end use requiring electricity from the grid.
How mature is the technology?
Widely deployed | The Smart Grid Investment Grant (SGIG) Program invested more than $5 billion in the deployment of AMI and customer systems in 2009. This funding supported widespread deployment of AMI. Today more than half of all states have achieved a rollout greater than 50% and about 60 investor-owned utilities have fully deployed smart meters.
Case Study
The Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO) conducted a smart thermostat pilot program with residential customers in 2014. After studying customers before and after, the smart thermostat was found to reduce electricity use for cooling by 16.1% on average.
More Information
Explore these resources to learn more about AMI.